Email List of Churches in Florida

* Records include Email & Website Addresses

* Denomination & Postal Addresses where available

* 100% No Hard Bounce Guarantee

* Unlimited Usage – use the addresses multipul times

Just $145.00 for the entire Florida Church List

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List of Churches in Florida with Email Addresses

Alternatively, view our full Email List of Churches in all States in the USA including Florida

So if you’d like to expand your contact base then take a look at what is included in this Florida Church Email List:-

Unique Church Locations in Florida: 7,007

( more than one unique email address contact at each Church  is often provided )

Unique Email Addresses:  13,930

Full Postal Mailing Addresses:   93% of records

Partial Postal Address: 7% of records (but all such records include Email Address Contacts) .

Telephone #’s at the Church Location:   94% of records  (Not the personal telephone numbers of the Church Contacts)

99% of all Records include a Website Address

The Email Addresses in this List were last checked during October 2024


When you purchase this List you will ALSO receive a free bonus .csv file containing the records of over 5,300 other Churches and Christian Religious Organizations in Florida where we do not have Church Email Address details. However many of these extra and free records include Website Address and Denomination Information  and all  include Postal Address and  Telephone numbers, but to repeat, unlike the records in the paid-for List, the free bonus list does NOT include Florida Church email addresses although you can still email many of those listed via their website Contact page.


The Best Email Delivery Guarantee 

We offer a 100% Guarantee of No Hard Bounces. You’ll receive a refund for any portion of the records that Hard Bounce. See full details of our Guarantee in the Shopping Cart.

Accurate Data at the Lowest Prices

See the About Us page to learn why our Business Lists are many times less expensive than most of our competitors.

Web Researched Lists

All our data is researched on the web by visiting the websites of all the businesses that we include in our Lists. See the Research Methods page.

Regular Removal of Hard Bounces

Every 4 months we send an email message to the addresses in the List and then remove any Hard Bounces from the Database.

Advice on Sending Email Successfully

We provide details of services that will deliver your email messages to our Lists. See top Menu Bar.

Unlimited Usage

Buyers of our Lists can email to those listed as many times as they wish.

Verified Postal Addresses

Most of our Postal Addresses are Verified by a Post Office Licensee which means best possible delivery rates.

Fast Delivery via a Download Link

All Lists are sent via a Download Link shortly after purchase and will open in Excel and other Database and Spreadsheet applications.

Transparent Answers to your Questions

Visit our FAQ pages via the link to find clear answers to virtually every question we’ve been asked over the past 12+ years.

View 100’s of example records from the Nationwide List of Churches including Florida.

So what’s the Next Step?

To quickly obtain relevant, up to date and accurate details of 1,000’s of Churches in Florida , simply click the “Add to Cart” button below and follow the delivery and payment details in the Shopping Cart.

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We offer payment by credit card or a Paypal Account. See details in the Shopping Cart


List of Churches in Florida with Email Addresses

Does your business work with churches? Do you supply goods or services to churches in Florida? If your answer to the above questions is affirmative, we have curated a well-researched list of churches in Florida along with their email addresses. With the growth of digital marketing, email marketing has become indispensable for your business. Boost your client base and sales with the help of APC’s carefully curated list of churches in Florida.

Why do you need a list of churches?

If your organization conducts business with churches, it is imperative to have access to the best list of churches for the purposes of email marketing. Although we cannot help you in creating a sound email marketing strategy, we can help you with a well-researched and verified list of churches in Florida with email addresses.

Churches in Florida

According to the list of churches in Florida with email addresses curated by APC, the following are some prominent churches in Florida.

  • Potential Church
  • Northwoods Baptists
  • New Horizon Church
  • Calvary Chapel Worship Center
  • Christ Central
  • New Day Christian Church
  • Mary’s Episcopal
  • UPC Lake Nona
  • Luke’s United Methodists

APC’s list of churches in Florida mentions these and many more churches in Florida.

Why choose APC?

With so many databases available in the market, you must be wondering why you should choose APC. Well, here’s why.

Minimal pricing

At only $145, you get access to the most extensive list of churches in Florida along with their denominations, email addresses, and website URL . It is far cheaper than most other databases in the market.

Verified email and postal addresses

Unlike most other databases, at APC we verify each email and postal address on our list. You can rest assured about the authenticity of the list as our researchers painstakingly curate these lists.

Easy Delivery

Once you purchase our email list of churches in Florida, we easily deliver the same through a simple download link. The file can be accessed through any spreadsheet application.

Florida is home to some of the most popular and beautiful churches in the country. Purchase the list of churches in Florida with email addresses to have access to the contact and postal information of hundreds of churches in Florida. APC allows you to use it as many times as you wish, with no restrictions


How many new Contacts would this Email List of Florida Churches need to generate to pay for itself many times over?

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See payment details in the Shopping Cart