List of Churches in California

*  Email & Website Addresses included

* Denomination & Postal Addresses as available

* 100% No Hard Bounce Guarantee

* Unlimited Usage 

Just $175.00 for the entire California Church List

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List of Churches in California with Email Addresses

Or, view the full Email List of Churches in all States including California

So if you’d like to expand your contact base then take a look at what is included in this California Church Email List:-

Unique Church Locations in California: 8,811

( more than one unique email address contact at each Church  is often provided )

Unique Church Email Addresses: 20,823

Full Postal Mailing Addresses:   92% of records

Partial Postal Address: 8% of records (but all such records include Email Address Contacts) .

Telephone #’s at the Church Location:   91% of records  (Not the personal telephone numbers of the Church Contacts)

99% of All Records include a website address

All Email Addresses were last verified in May 2024



When you purchase this List you will ALSO receive a free bonus .csv file containing the records of over 5,480 other Christian Churches in California where we do not have Church Email Address details. However many of these extra and free records include Website Address and Denomination Information  and all  include Postal Address and  Telephone numbers, but to repeat, unlike the records in the paid-for List, the free bonus list does NOT include California Church email addresses although you can still email many of those listed via their website Contact page.


The Best Email Delivery Guarantee 

We offer a 100% Guarantee of No Hard Bounces. You’ll receive a refund for any portion of the records that Hard Bounce. See full details of our Guarantee in the Shopping Cart.

Accurate Data at the Lowest Prices

See the About Us page to learn why our Business Lists are many times less expensive than most of our competitors.

Web Researched Lists

All our data is researched on the web by visiting the websites of all the businesses that we include in our Lists. See the Research Methods page.

Regular Removal of Hard Bounces

Every 4 months we send an email message to the addresses in the List and then remove any Hard Bounces from the Database.

Advice on Sending Email Successfully

We provide details of services that will deliver your email messages to our Lists. See top Menu Bar.

Unlimited Usage

Buyers of our Lists can email to those listed as many times as they wish.

Verified Postal Addresses

Most of our Postal Addresses are Verified by a Post Office Licensee which means best possible delivery rates.

Fast Delivery via a Download Link

All Lists are sent via a Download Link shortly after purchase and will open in Excel and other Database and Spreadsheet applications.

Transparent Answers to your Questions

Visit our FAQ pages via the link to find clear answers to virtually every question we’ve been asked over the past 12+ years.

View 100’s of sample records from the Nationwide List of Churches including California.

So what’s the Next Step?

To quickly obtain relevant, up to date and accurate details of 1,000’s of Churches in California, simply click the “Add to Cart” button below and follow the delivery and payment details in the Shopping Cart.

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We offer payment by credit card or a Paypal Account. See details in the Shopping Cart


List of Churches in California with Email Addresses

If you work for or network with churches in California, is natural to want to reach out to more prospects and boost your profits. An excellent way to do this is by cold emailing or reaching out to prospective Christian churches that may want to invest in your products or services. And to do that, you will need an updated mailing list of churches in California with email addresses. After all, you cannot reach your prospective clients when you don’t know where to email them, right?

At APC, we can help you in dealing with this problem effectively. We provide well-researched and verified email lists with over 163,000 relevant email addresses. Yes, you read it right! Now, let’s have a look at some prominent Christian churches in California that you can reach out to with the help of our email list.

Popular churches in California

California has several progressive and family-focused churches that have the goal of reinforcing Christian values in modern-day individuals. Some popular churches that are included in our list of churches in California with email addresses are as follows:

  1. Imani Community Church
  2. New Life Community
  3. Fellowship Bible Church
  4. Agape Christian Fellowship
  5. Church in Cerritos
  6. Granada Heights Friends
  7. Trinity Presbyterian
  8. Church of Christ West Oakland
  9. Faith Lutheran
  10. Cor Church
  11. Life Covenant Church
  12. Wesley United Methodists
  13. New Hope Church
  14. Church on The Coast
  15. Peninsula Bible  Cupertino
  16. Valley Christians
  17. Francis Xavier Church
  18. Pacific Beach Bible Church
  19. The Well Christian Church
  20. Living Hope Community

Summing up

A solid and verified email list is the cornerstone of a successful email marketing strategy. Our comprehensive list of churches in California with email addresses is verified and comprises 100% real information. It will help your emails reach the right people.

When you purchase our email list of Churches in California, you will also get a free bonus list having records of over 100,000 Churches and Christian Religious Organizations in the USA. The bonus list doesn’t contain email addresses, but it will provide you with useful data like web addresses, postal addresses, telephone numbers, and denomination information.

And the best part is that all this is available for $145.00! APC also offers a 100% guarantee of no hard bounces. We will provide you with a refund for the portion that encounters a hard bounce.



How many new Contacts would this Email List of California Churches need to generate to pay for itself many times over?

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