List of USA Christian Churches

* All Records include Email & Website Addresses

* Denomination Information Provided

* Postal Addresses included where available

* 100% No Hard Bounce Guarantee

* Unlimited Usage – use the addresses multipul times

Just $295.00 for the entire List of over 202,000 records

uk church list

An Email List of Churches in the USA with over 202,000 Unique Email Addresses

A UK Database of Churches is also available – click here for details


This Church Email List is your NUMBER ONE information source and will open doors to thousands of new contacts at Churches in America.

Our meticulously researched and continuously updated List contains the records of tens of thousands of Church Email Addresses in the USA.

This invaluable information includes the Organization’s Website Address, Denomination, Street address, Telephone # and most importantly Email Address.  In fact, over 202,000 unique email addresses are listed.

Quite simply, no other Church Email List comes anywhere close to providing this number of accurate and up-to-date email contacts, and at such a low cost.

And if you don’t believe us, here’s what Colin Morris at Email Marketing Tips had to say!

So if you’d like to expand your contact base then take a look at what is included in this USA Church Email List:-

Number of Unique Churches: 100,123

More than one email address contact at each Church is often provided

Number of Unique Church Email Addresses: 202,494

Website Addresses:   99% of records

Full Postal Mailing Addresses:   93% of records

Partial Postal Address: 7% of records (but all such records include Email Addresses) .

Telephone #’s of the Churches:   94% of records  (Not the personal telephone numbers of the Church Contacts)

The Church Email List was last updated in September 2024 when all Hard Bounce email addresses were removed. 


When you purchase this List of Churches in the USA you will ALSO receive a free bonus .csv file containing the records of over 100,000 other Church records in the USA where we do not have Church Email Address Contact details. However over 34,000 of these extra and free records include Website Address and over 90% include Postal Address, Telephone #, and Denomination Information but to repeat, unlike the records in the paid-for List, the free bonus list does NOT include Church email addresses although you can still email many of those listed via their website Contact page.

We offer the Best Email Delivery Guarantee 

We offer a 100% Guarantee of No Hard Bounces. You’ll receive a refund for any portion of the records that Hard Bounce. See full details of our Guarantee in the Shopping Cart.

mailing list of churches

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    How do I order the Church Email List?
    Go to the top of this page and click on the Red  “Buy Now” button. This link will place your order for the Church Email List into the Shopping Cart where you will find delivery and payment options.
  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    How are the Church Email Addresses delivered to me?
    Shortly after payment a download link to your List of Church Email Addresses will be emailed to the address you provide in the Shopping Cart.
  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    Do you offer a Discount on the Church Mailing List?
    As this Church Mailing List is very competitively priced we do not offer any discounts.
  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    How do I pay for the Email List of Churches?
    Full details of payment options are mentioned in the Shopping Cart. You can pay with most credit cards or via your own Paypal account.
  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    How many times can I use my Church Email Directory?
    There are no restrictions on the number of times you can use the Directory. So you can email the contact addresses listed multiple times.
  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    List of churches USA with their email address contacts, Can you recommend an email delivery service?
    Please click here to find details of email delivery service that will deliver your messages to our List of churches USA with their email address contacts
  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    Can you guarantee the listed Church email addresses are deliverable?
    Subject to our Terms we offer a proportionate refund if any email address hard bounces.
  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    Does your Church Email Directory include Contact Names?
    Contact names are not included but some  of the email addresses listed contain a person name or Job title, for example: or .
  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    Are there duplicate Church Email Addresses in the Directory?
    There are duplicate website addresses and church names in the List as we often supply more than one email address at each organization but there are NO DUPLICATE  email addresses.
  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    is this a Pastor email list?
    We do not specifically mention the Pastors Email Address in our List but many such Pastor details can be found within the email addresses listed.
  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    How would you best describe your mailing list of churches?

    Our mailing list of churches offers a comprehensive directory of churches in the USA. This list can be used for direct marketing campaigns and outreach activities. It is designed to help you find the right congregation, reach out to potential members, and create meaningful connections. With over 100,000 churches in our database, you’ll have access to the largest selection of church names, contact information, and more. Reach out to your target audience with ease and get your message heard!

  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    What are the benefits of using a Directory of Churches in USA?

    Our Directory of Churches in USA is the perfect resource for any business, organization, or individual looking to reach out to the religious community. Our comprehensive list contains over 100,000 churches from all around the United States, giving you access to a vast network of potential customers. With this Directory, you can quickly and easily create targeted marketing campaigns that will reach a wide range of religious institutions. This is the ideal solution for anyone hoping to build relationships with the church-going population - order now and get your message delivered!

  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    Which denominations are included in the List of Churches USA?
    The List of Churches USA includes details of which denominations are represented. Scroll up this page for details and counts for the number of records..
pastor email list

View the Names of 1,000’s of Churches listed.   

Use the full screen and stop/start buttons in the video footer.

View 100’s of example records to understand exactly what type of information is supplied in this Church Email List:-


Unique Email Address Records at each Major Church Denomination. Due to constant updating, these figures are supplied on the basis of being +/- 5%

Alliance 280
Anglican 406
Apostolic 629
Armenian 38
AssemblyofGod 2483
Baptist 33,559
Bible Church 1109
Brethren 496
CalvaryChapel 478
Catholic 17627
ChristianScience 116
ChurchofChrist 4391
ChurchofGod 1573
ChurchoftheNazarene 681
Congregational 1330
DisciplesChurchofChrist 39
DisciplesofChrist 383
EasternOrthodoxChurch 140
Episcopal 7967
Evangelical 1128
EvangelicalCovenant 67
EvangelicalLutheraninAmerica(ELCA) 203
Foursquare 130
FriendsChurch 93
FullGospel 79
Gospel 344
GreekOrthodox 274
IndependentBaptist 67
Interdenominational 659
InterdenominationalGospel 54
Korean 58
Latter-day 53
Lutheran 15164
LutheranMissouriSynod 192
LutheranSynod 46
Mennonite 496
Methodist 11921
MissionaryBaptist 70
Moravian 45
Nazarene 1083
Non-Demoninational 4435
Pentecostal 1548
Presbyterian 11664
Protestant 242
Reformed 262
ReformedChurch 1003
ReligiousOrganizations 1176
RussianOrthodox 40
Seventh-dayAdventist 919
SouthernBaptist 269
UnitarianUniversalistChurch 522
United Methodist church 82
UnitedChurchofChrist 755
UnitedMethodist 5053
Unity 111
Vineyard 283
Wesleyan 225

Numbers of Church email address records in each State. Due to constant updating, these figures may vary by up to plus or minus 5%.

AK 287
AL 3621
AR 1423
AZ 2623
CA 20823
CO 3144
CT 1407
DC 507
DE 382
FL 14054
GA 7672
HI 417
IA 2713
ID 472
IL 9818
IN 4148
KS 1710
KY 2435
LA 2294
MA 3212
MD 4052
ME 535
MI 5387
MN 4683
MO 4038
MS 1726
MT 404
NC 9549
ND 425
NE 1022
NH 586
NJ 3468
NM 547
NV 631
NY 8493
OH 10702
OK 2396
OR 2512
PA 11813
RI 348
SC 3083
SD 467
TN 4818
TX 18059
UT 462
VA 8075
VT 238
WA 3561
WI 4391
WV 754
WY 204

Click on the State Name if you require only records from California, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, New York , North Carolina, Ohio , Pennslyvania or Texas

So what’s the Next Step?

To quickly obtain relevant, up to date and accurate details of the Churches in our List, simply click the “Add to Cart” button below and follow the delivery and payment details in the Shopping Cart. The price for the entire List is just $295.00

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We offer payment by credit card or a Paypal Account. See details in the Shopping Cart


Does your organization need a Database of Churches?

If your answer to the question is yes, then you should think of a way on how to increase your Church contacts without breaking the bank!   And in order to expand your contact base, you also need to reach out to potential clients and customers via this list. In order to do this, you need to come up with an extremely effective way to use a Church Email List. However, some businesses are quite hesitant about launching a mailing list because of the related costs.

With our Church Email List, the cost is something that you do not need to worry about because we offer over 158,000 church email addresses which is available at a very reasonable price. Therefore, you can already launch an campaign even with low start-up capital. This will surely help you boost yiur contactbase over a certain period of time. Please also note that also offer an Email List of Churches in the UK Churches in the UK

Aside from the actual Church email addresses you also get to see other pertinent pieces of information such as the church name, website link, telephone number, as well as actual mailing address. Simply put, no other church email list even comes close to the extensive information that we offer in our Church Directory

In addition, email is the most cost-effectives sales campaign because it does not entail a lot of operational costs. If you already have your sales materials, you just really need to download our Church Email List in order to get started! 

Once you have fully decided to get into using a church email list  you also need to make sure that the company that you are dealing with offers high-quality listings. Beware of false claims and empty promises from other companies that do not really offer accurate and active email address lists. 

churches in usa with their email address contacts

But with our Church Email List, this is a problem that you do not need to worry about because we can fully guarantee up-to-date and accurate address details. We fully commit ourselves to providing accurate information to our customers; therefore, we automatically weed out any Church email addresses that also hard bounce. If any of your emails should hard bounce, we offer a proportionate refund. Just click through the relevant link to read through the Terms about the proportionate refund. 

To order our  Church Emai List simply click on the relevant link at the top page and you will shortly be sent your copy of the Directory of Churches in USA

directory of churches in usa


How many new Contacts would this Email List of Churches need to generate to pay for itself many times over?

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See payment details in the Shopping Cart