List of Churches in North Carolina

*  Includes Email & Website Addresses

* Denomination & Postal Addresses where available

* 100% No Hard Bounce Guarantee

* Sent via a download link in csv format

Just $175.00 for the entire North Carolina Church List

List of Churches in North Carolina with Email Addresses

Alternatively, view the full Email List of Churches in all States including North Carolina which contains over 230,00 email addresses and costs only $295.00

So if you’d like to expand your contact base then take a look at what is included in this North Carolina Church Email List:-

Unique Church Locations : 4,120

( more than one unique email address contact at each Church  is often provided )

Unique Email Addresses: 9,549

Full Postal Mailing Addresses:   93% of records

Telephone #’s at the Church Location:   92% of records  (Not the personal telephone numbers of the Church Contacts)

99% of all records include a Website Address

All Email Addresses were last verified in May 2024



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Information About Email Mailing List of Churches in North Carolina


North Carolina is considered one of the most religious states in the US. 65 percent of adults believe they are religious. Of the total adults in North Carolina, 77% are Christians, 3% are of different faiths, and the remaining are unaffiliated with any religion.

Speaking of the total numbers  there are around 11,000  Email Addresses of Churches in North Carolina in our List. . All of these churches are categorized into different denominations. Denomination in this context means the faith has sects with its beliefs and practices. The churches in North Carolina are divided into Baptist, Methodist, Catholic, Protestant, and many more.

The state has a North Carolina Council Of Churches. This organization is a community of different denominations. The exact figure is 18 denominations. Apart from this, the NC Council Of Churches has over 6000 congregants and 1.5 million members. The purpose of the NC Council Of Churches is to work for the unity and renewal of the denominations. The organization offers a platform where they bring all the denominations to work together and work on tolerance and mutual respect.

Some of the famous churches include Biltmore Estate, Duke University Chapel, and St. Philips Moravian Church. All these churches have stunning architecture, historical significance, and cultural importance. For example, the Duke University Chapel is one of the largest university chapels in the state. It is located on the Duke campus and is renowned for its Gothic-style architecture. In addition to this, the Duke University Chapel is a center for religious studies, worship, and community engagement. To contact these organization please consider our Mailing List of Churches in North Carolina